This DevOps thing again

Lately, everyone has been buzzing about working the DevOps way to the point where small business and large corporations buy into the DevOps way of life (including the company I work for, but do they really understand it ?

This is the first article of my very own little DevOps series. In this article, I will explain some of the fundamentals, or what I believe as principals of DevOps.

The sales Pitch: Well, apparently DevOps is the magic wonder that somehow increases the velocity and quality of work. ship something faster and better right ? so how does DevOps actually achieve this ?

Read more “This DevOps thing again”

Empowering local talent

My main reason for blogging is the concept of giving back. I have a strong desire to help and empower others to be more successful in what they do.

Starting today I plan to help out business in South Africa by providing some free publicity (using my blog). All you need to do is contact me using my contact page with some motivation and we can get started!

Let us be successful together!

Extension methods using C#

During my time working, I find that developers can get lazy and start using the COPY and PASTE commands to a degree that can make code unmanageable.

There are many things we can do to reduce, if not eliminate, the code management nightmare, however, the one way I will focus on is using extension methods.

Read more “Extension methods using C#”

How to convert an XML Document to a Dynamic Object in .NET

Sometimes we don’t have a choice on what data we work with, where it’s from or what format we have to deal with. This, in a way, can effect the time take to develop a solution.

In this case we will be looking at XML Data, and how to effortlessly convert that data to a dynamic object which we can easily work with.

Read more “How to convert an XML Document to a Dynamic Object in .NET”

How to Capture a Double-Tap using the on-board push button On a Netduino

Recently I’ve taken an interest to micro processors, specifically the Netdruino Plus 2 (running on the .NET micro framework). After playing around with the device I decided to write a little tutorial how to perform a double tap event using the On Interrupt event.

I’ve prepared some code to demonstrate how to achieve this.

Read more “How to Capture a Double-Tap using the on-board push button On a Netduino”

How To Do A Multi-Column Join In LINQ

This is an exclusive guest post from Shaun Tirubeni, please visit his blog located here for more of his work.

Since we live in a complex world, creating even a simple application takes a fair amount of effort. We do multi-column joins every day using SQL. Many companies are moving away from raw SQL and stored procedures to ORMs and other layers of abstraction.

Read more “How To Do A Multi-Column Join In LINQ”

LINQ Expression – how to append to an expression at a later stage

The cool thing with LINQ and Entity framework is that if you pass an expression through to you context, it creates an SQL Query based of that expression to fetch the data you need, instead of fetching loads of data down and having to sift through them in C#.

A recurring issue that plagued me was that if I needed to pass through a slightly different LINQ expressions based on certain conditions it looked like I was repeating code, and I don’t like repeating code.

after a few hours of playing around with different techniques I devised a little way to append to an expression.
Read more “LINQ Expression – how to append to an expression at a later stage”